How to run a Net Score bracket game college basketball tournament event

Net Score brand bracket game comes packaged in several ways. It’s a board game. You can play it in person with a group or via some type of live stream/conference call.

Play at home or attend an event. The game is a great way for organizations to raise funds, entertain members and promote social interaction. Businesses such as sports bars can make the game available to customers.

Games played via conference call require a little planning. Each participant will need a Net Score refill pack. This will ensure they have the necessary visual aids and score sheets to play the game.

The game is a fantasy draft of tournament teams. It’s played alongside the NCAA men’s or women’s division one national basketball tournament. These are held annually beginning in March. The game begins with a draft that usually takes two hours to complete. This happens at your event. It’s best to draft before the field of 64 begins play. A player’s final score is determined as the tournament unfolds over the next few weeks.

The game is designed for 2-10 players. Multiple games are played simultaneously at large events. Games with 5-8 players work well at large tables. You’ll need a highlighter and pens to play the game.

A concluding event can be scheduled the night of the championship game. This is optional. All player’s final scores will be known once the tournament champion is determined.

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